Tuesday, April 15, 2008

(It's A) Good Morning, America!

What a great start to a day! I set my alarm to 5:00 AM because I needed to write a short paper this morning before class. I didn't actually get out of bed until 5:56 and was a little concerned because I was about as groggy as a frog hit on the head by a log. I thought, "OK, you're just going to have to get some coffee and wake up!" And I did!  I was completely done with my paper by 7:20 and had time to get ready for class, go to the computer lab, print out my paper, and made it to class 4 minutes early.

However, the most exciting thing, was that when I walked out of the door this morning I had to turn around and grab a coat because it was an amazing 47ºF outside. I love cold weather even though I live in the great Republic of Texas. I'm afraid that I may miss the rare cold I experience here when living in Guandia, but it'll be worth it! 

I also called my mom during my down time between writing and class. She was out walking with my friend's mom, who is her friend... obviously; now, this walking makes me really happy because I know she's happier when she exercises and it puts me more at ease about her health (she's previously had two heart attacks). I try not to be too critical though as I don't struggle with weight and I don't want to seem insensitive. However, I do tend to speak my mind.

Anyway, she told me that her computer came in which is exciting because she's needed one for quite some time. I think she'll be really happy with the one I ordered and I'm going to enjoy helping her set it up this weekend and teaching her all about Vista. Hopefully, we'll manage not to get too impatient with each other. Side-note: Vista is amazing. I've used it for almost a year and can't imagine going back to XP. Embrace change, people; it's not a bad thing.

And on that note, I'm going to go order her a printer.

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